What is Surrealism?
The Surrealist Movement
Famous Artists







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Max Ernst (1891 - 1976)


Uber Imperator - 1923

This stange and sinister entity was inspired by illustations of foundry moulds for bronze equestrian statues. It appears to be dressed in a strange suit of armour, presiding over all it surveys. The sickle being its tool of opression. It has been interpreted by many critics as portraying an evil ruler or a tyrant.



The Teetering Woman - 1923

Is she trapped by the machinery and apparatus surrounding her, or is she guiding and controlling it? This question has been asked many times by people trying to interpret it. There is a certain stillness about the woman even though her hair is upright and her arms are outstretched.

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The Elephant of Celebes - 1921

The precise meaning of this painting is still unknown. The strange erie metalic like elephant with what looks like a water boiler for a torso, is said by some to represent a tank, and its neck and head a gas mask - bringing the viewer back to the first world war. It appears to be a picture puzzle constructed from works of his own and other artists.






The Eye of Silence - 1943/44

This strange landscape was painted by Ernst at the time he went to live in America. He was 52 years old at the time. The landscape seems to be alive, with eyes looking back at the viewer. It was created by using paint, collage and frottage.



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The Hat Makes the Man - 1920

The hats in this painting (actually part collage) are said to represent the Dada view of modern western people as ready made puppets. Their placement from top to botton is also said to represent the hierarchical class system or peoples social status.





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