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What is Surrealism?
The Surrealist Movement
Famous Artists











Salvador Dali (1904 - 1989)


The Persistance of Memory (Soft Watches) - 1931

Probably one of Dali's most famous paintings. It was inspired by observing some camembert cheese. It draws on the concept of memory and relative time.



Swans Reflecting Elephants - 1937

Interestingly this painting can be viewed either way up. Viewed the other way, the swans wings become elephants ears. The background is derived from the hills around Dali's home.

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Lobster Telephone- 1936

This telephone with a plaster lobster in place of the handset was an exhibit at the first london surrealist exhibition in 1936. It is classic surrealism in the sense that two non connecting things have been thrust together.



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The Face of War - 1940/1941

This disturbing painting was Inspired by the horrors of the civil war in his home country of Spain, and the outbreak of the Second World War. The image conveys the ugly face of war.






Corpus Hypercubus (Crucifixion) - 1954

Religion was often a theme in Dali's works. Here he has depicted an image of Christ on the cross in the cubist style. However the level of detail present is remanisant of the former renaisance masters.